Parent Resources » Parent Handbook

Parent Handbook


The Central Valley Early Learning Center believes that a high-quality education and care program provides a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of the child while responding to the needs of families. We believe each child is an individual with certain basic needs. We strive to provide an environment filled with rich and varied experiences, which encourages the development of creative interests and abilities. Our aim is to provide an environment that will allow each child to reach his or her highest potential and enable them to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. Trained, caring leadership will provide rich learning experiences that promote self-esteem, self-discipline, and responsibility while providing a solid foundation for continuous learning. 

Early Achievers 

The Central Valley Early Learning Center participates in Early Achievers. Early Achievers is a voluntary program that empowers providers and educators with coaching and resources to support each child’s learning and development so they can develop the skills they need to be successful in school and life. By participating in Early Achievers, early learning providers demonstrate a commitment to improving quality. The Central Valley Early Learning Center has earned an Early Achievers rating of 4. Level 3-5 ratings are assigned points based on: 

  • Child outcomes
  • Curriculum, learning, environments and interactions
  • Professional development and training
  • Family engagement and partnership


Central Valley Early Learning Center is located within the Central Valley School District (CVSD). The address is 15111 E. Sprague Ave Suite C, Spokane Valley, WA 99037. The attendance line is 1-(509)-558-5825. If you want to speak to the front desk call 1-(509)-558-5810, 1-(509)-558-5860 or 1-(509)-558-5862.

In addition, we have satellite locations at University Elementary, Progress Elementary, South Pines Elementary, and Liberty Creek Elementary. Placement at these locations are determined by street address and student need. 

Operating Information

Central Valley Early Learning Center Preschool: 

Our preschool hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. At our preschool locations we need all students to arrive at school on time.  This allows all children to receive the benefits of a full school day, and it supports our classroom routines. If you are unable to arrive by 9:00 AM, your child will need to stay home for the day. Exceptions will be made for medical appointments or other urgent needs. In addition, no student will be accepted during nap hours. Please contact your Family Support Specialist with questions.


This program operates following the CVSD calendar with additional closure dates for conferences and trainings. Parents/guardians will be notified in advance for all other closures.

Central Valley Early Learning Center Building Hours:

Open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM– 4:00 PM.

Nondiscriminatory Policy

All CVSD programs prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, physical or mental disability, family configuration, sexual orientation, culture, or public assistance recipient status. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any manner or activity should write the Executive Director of Elementary Education at 2218 N. Molter Road Liberty Lake, WA 99019. 


Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the program unless you qualify for specific specialized programs transportation. 

All students will be dropped off and picked up through our valet system. We will work with those who have a student in a wheelchair to make accommodations.

Every family will be given car tags that have your student’s name and teachers name on them. Please place your car tag in a visible location for the staff to see (i.e., hanging from rear-view mirror). Your child needs to remain BUCKLED into their car seat until you are in one of the three lines facing the building. Once you enter the load/unload zone, you are asked to exit your car and help your child out to be ready for staff to get them. Please NO cell phones while dropping off or picking up and NO smoking or vaping on school property including in your car.

If you are walking to the building or taking a city bus here, please check with your Family Support Specialist for drop off procedures.

You may line up as early as 8:00 AM to drop your student off (but please note that if you are not in line by 8:35 AM you will be asked to park and walk your student to the front door to be escorted to class by staff.)

If you line up earlier than 15 minutes before drop off (8:00 AM) or pick up (3:00 PM), you may be asked by the bus drivers to pull around and let them through.

Please refer to the maps that will be given to you of where to enter and exit the parking lot.

Check In/Out Procedures

Any information concerning special after school activities, pick up arrangements and/or other important information should be shared with staff in order to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. Staff will ask for their current car tag or verification of identity, or their car tag of a person who does not normally pick up the child or whom they have never seen before. Please share these procedures with those picking up your child. If they do not have a car tag, they will need to come to the office to get a blue slip from the Secretary to pick up your child and they will need to get back in the Valet line for pickup.

NOTE: All persons authorized by the parent/guardian should be listed in our computer under Emergency Contacts. A person can only be added as an Emergency Contact by the authorized parent/guardian. Please do not wait to add people you know will be picking up your child. For safety reasons we can NOT release a child to someone who is not on this list.

  • All entry doors except the front door will be locked throughout the school day. Please wait for the front office staff to buzz you into the main office. Press the intercom and the secretary will assist you.
  • Visits to the Central Valley Early Learning Center or other CVSD schools will mean signing in at the front desk and getting a visitor’s pass. Please be aware that if you as a parent/guardian need to sign-in for a visitor’s pass, you will be expected to sign out that you have left as well. There will be no exceptions to this policy. 

Volunteer Policy

For the safety of all our students, you MUST complete/update the district volunteer form online at by clicking “Volunteer” under Parent Resources if you'd like to volunteer. You will need to answer the questions and upload a picture of your driver’s license. The application can NOT be processed until this is done. This process needs to be renewed every two years. Once approved, volunteer opportunities may include field trips, being in the classroom and helping at a class party.

In addition to the above requirements, persons who volunteer on a weekly or more frequent basis with preschool children must also accomplish the following:

  • Obtain a TB test.
  • Complete training on preventing, identifying, reporting child abuse and neglect.

Additionally, the Central Valley Early Learning Center must plan and implement training for volunteers in the following areas:

  • Their volunteer roles and responsibilities.
  • Relevant performance standards and program policies.
  • Relevant school district policies and regulations.

The Central Valley Early Learning Center will maintain records of volunteer hours and required completed training in individual volunteer files which will be kept in the student’s classroom. Once the background check has been approved and all other training and requirements have been completed, the volunteer can start. 


If your child is going to be late or absent, please call the attendance line at 1-(509)-558-5825 and let us know your child’s first and last name and the reason for absence. Please call before 1:00 PM. If we don’t hear from you, our automated system will call and remind you that your child was absent and to please call and give us a reason for absence. These calls will be sent at 2:00pm.

Child Custody

In cases of custodial parental rights, it is the policy of the program to follow the procedures and rights of individuals as stated and outlined in the custodial/separation/divorce document issued by the Judiciary Courts of Washington State. If there are specific procedures and/or limitations of parental rights/custody established by the courts of the state of Washington, a certified copy of the document with the stated rights/custody/limitations must be in the child's file. The child will be released to the nonresidential parent only after consultation/confirmation with the residential parent. This notification will be given only if the residential parent is available to be given notification. 

The CVSD Board of Directors presumes that the person who enrolls a child is the residential parent of the student. The residential parent is responsible for decisions regarding the day-today care and control of the student. Parents, guardians or surrogate parents have the two-fold right to receive information contained in the school records concerning their child and to permit the disclosure of such information to others subject to the authority granted to the residential parent. 

Policy Regarding releasing a child to an adult suspected to be “Under the influence”

Central Valley Early Learning Center has adopted the following policy regarding releasing of a child in our care to an adult who is suspected to be “under the influence” of alcohol or other drugs that may impair his/her ability to provide safe transportation and/or care.

  • Offer to call other authorized adults as listed on emergency contact list.
  • Offer to call a cab.
  • If authorized adult refuses assistance and attempts to drive with the child in the car, we will report a drunk or impaired driver to State Patrol/Sheriff/Police.
  • Call 911 if the person is aggressive or threatening and provide pertinent information to law enforcement agency.

If the situation occurs more than once, the family will be referred to Child Protective Services (CPS).

Field Trips

Field trips are defined as travel away from the program premises, under the supervision of program staff for the purpose of providing students a direct learning experience not available at the program site. CVSD busses or public transportation will be used for transporting children when available. Washington State safety measures are followed when transporting children: Staff has current first aid or CPR training, first aid supplies, and emergency phone numbers for children. Adequate supervision will be provided using program staff, volunteers, and parents. No child will be allowed to travel or participate in a field trip activity without a signed permission slip on file at the site. Notification of all field trips and experiences away from school grounds will be sent home. Field trip permission slips will be sent home with the child in advance of the scheduled field trip and must be returned completely filled out before any child will be allowed to participate in field trips or activities away from school grounds.


It is important for parents and staff to stay in communication in order for the child to gain the most from these programs and for these programs to provide a stimulating safe and healthy environment for your child. There will be information on the Central Valley Early Learning Center website to keep you updated on the children's activities and announcing upcoming events, program activities, and other information. Please also check your emails, school newsletter, and Class Dojo for important information. Please take advantage of the information provided.

Early Learning teachers will conduct conferences periodically throughout the year. The goal of the teachers is to hold three conferences a year – once in the fall, once in the winter, and an exit conference in the spring – to update families on the progress of their child(ren). Other conferences might be scheduled based on a child’s or staff person’s needs. Your Family Support Specialist will also be scheduling three conferences a year with you.

If you have an emergency, please try calling the main program office at 1-(509)-558-5810 or 1-(509)558-5860 & 1-(509)-558-5862 to reach the front desk.

Discipline/Guidance Policy

Behavior guidelines will be followed as stated in the CVSD Student Responsibilities and Rights, a copy of which will be given to you or online at Under “Student and Parent Resources” click on “School Policies” and choose the PDF for Student Responsibilities and Rights. Please note that students at the Early Learning Center will not be expelled for any reason.

Washington State Pyramid Model (WaPM)

The Central Valley Early Learning Center participates in a State-wide initiative of Washington State Pyramid Model (WaPM). Starting preschool is important to making sure that all students have the tools to succeed at school and being prepared for their K-12 experience. WaPM will do that for our students. Students will have the opportunity to learn skills that help them as they begin to understand the expectations of their school and school environment. As parents, you will see the tool of WaPM in almost everything that we do from the playground, hallways, bathrooms, field trips and even in our valet process. As a staff we will be using our school mascot, OWLS as the tool to help our students learn and implement the WaPM program.

Staff will use common language, expectations and supports to ensure that all students have a successful and positive learning environment. 

Procedure for Parent or Community Complaints

If you have a parent or community complaint, please see the section entitled, “Discrimination Complaints” in the Student Responsibilities and Rights. A copy of the “Complaint Report Form” can be found online at under Parent Resources.

Safety Procedures


All program staff are REQUIRED by Washington State Law and DSHS state licensing requirements to report immediately to the police or Child Protective Services (CPS) any instance when there is REASON TO SUSPECT the occurrence of physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse, or child neglect or exploitation. 

The job of parenting children is the most difficult job anyone ever does. Coupled with working or going to school and additional stresses in general, life can become overwhelming to all of us. There are many resources in the community and through the school that could be of assistance. Everyone has stresses in their lives and sometimes sharing concerns with others helps to lighten the load. Staff and the Director are willing to help parents/guardians access resources if a need arises.

Disaster Preparedness/Lockdown

The plans for emergency evacuation of our building is located in a notebook in the classroom. Each building works with the school district to maintain a current plan for lock down and evacuation. This is to ensure that children and staff stay safe during unexpected emergencies. Alternate pick-up sites will be specified in each buildings plan so parents or guardians will know where to pick up their child if the Central Valley Early Learning Center should be determined unsafe.

We will maintain a schedule of fire and disaster drills. This information will be kept in the Central Valley Early Learning Center administration office. If you need updates, please call the office at 1-(509)-558-5810.

We have two levels of lockdown procedures. In the event that a threat of violence has been made to the school - the proper authorities will be in contact with the school. The office will announce the lockdown. All doors will be locked and blinds/curtains will be closed. All students will be closely monitored by staff in transition between classrooms and outside drop off and pick up areas. Parents will be notified as soon as possible concerning the lockdown and will be given information through our school messaging system the same day a lockdown has been put in effect. In the event that an intruder meaning to do harm is detected on the campus - we will immediately notify proper authorities. Communication to staff and students will be given over the intercom. All doors will be locked. All windows/blinds will be shut. The lights will be turned off and the students will be seated silent and away from the doors. No one will be walking around. All students and staff will remain in lockdown until an all clear call for the full facility is made through the intercom system.

It is important to note that during a lockdown procedure, you will not be able to pick up your children until the lockdown is over. This is for the safety of your children. We really appreciate your patience and cooperation. 

Pesticide Policy

CVSD pesticide policy states that there will be a notice posted 48 hours prior to pesticide use, the chemicals used, amounts and location. Non-Toxic chemicals will be used on school properties.

Emergency Medical Treatment

All parents are required to sign the emergency/medical treatment form that is part of the online enrollment. In cases of emergency, staff will contact 911 for assistance, (9-911 if calling from a CVSD phone). Parents will be contacted immediately. If staff is unable to locate the parent, they will call the emergency numbers provided. A child with a minor injury will receive first aid by trained program staff and in consultation with a school or program nurse. Parents will be notified of the injury the child sustained and the type of treatment provided.


The State of Washington requires that all children in group situations be immunized. Contact your health care provider, our program nurse, or the Spokane County Health District for information on

immunizations. Each child must have a completed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) record signed by the parent and in the child's file BEFORE the child is able to attend the program or have a signed exemption on file. Children will be excluded from attendance for the following reasons: a) if admitted under an exempt status and an outbreak occurs of a disease for which the student lacks the appropriate immunization; or b) if admitted under a conditional status and student falls more than 30 days behind schedule for receiving a required immunization in a series. The program nurse will monitor and can assist the family in maintenance of the immunization records. Any immunizations that the student receives after the CIS has been signed and are officially verified may be updated to the CIS by Central Valley Early Learning Center staff.


Under CVSD policy, Nurses are authorized to administer oral medication to children during program hours. It is our policy that such medications will be administered only when failure to do so may result in the student being unable to attend the program and/or participate in program activities. We define medication to mean all drugs, ointments, salves, eye/ear drops, whether prescription or over the counter. Administration of medications will be logged and kept on file. Parents must give written permission before any child will be given medication.

The following over the counter medications can be administered only with written parental consent/orders:

  • Ointments or lotions intended to reduce or stop itching or dry skin 
  • Diaper ointments and nontalc powders, intended only for use in the diaper area
  • Sunscreen for children over six months of age

Any other over the counter medication will not be administered without written prescriptive authority from a health care provider. These would include vitamins, herbal supplements, and fluoride. Medication doses different from the appropriate directions for the age and weight of any child may not be given without written prescriptive authority from a health care provider. Medication may not be mixed with food without written prescriptive authority from a health care provider.

According to school district policy, the program cannot administer injectable medication, except for Epinephrine when a student is susceptible to a predetermined, life endangering situation. In this instance Epinephrine will only be administered through the use of an “Epi Pen.”

Medication is not to be brought to the program by the child. It is to be transported by a parent or another adult designated by the parent. Parents should bring the medication, report to the staff person in charge and complete the necessary forms. Medication left at the program will be destroyed at the end of the year. All medications must be in the original prescription container and properly labeled with the child’s name, name of drug, dosage, physician, date and time of day to be given. Sample medication given by the physician must also be properly labeled and in the original container.

If there are any questions about medications, please ask the school Nurse for the policy specifics.

Toilet Training

The Central Valley Early Learning Teaching staff may discuss toilet training procedures with the child’s parent or guardian when a child is ready for training. The teaching staff will facilitate the toilet training process by encouraging the child with:

  • Positive reinforcement (which may not include food items);
  • Culturally sensitive methods;
  • Developmentally appropriate methods; and
  • A toilet training routine developed in agreement with the parent or guardian.


Children Who are Ill

Preschool aged children have unique needs that require an extra layer of support to protect themselves and others from transmittable diseases. At all our preschool locations, we not only follow the CVSD illness policy, but we also follow guidance from the Spokane Regional Health District.

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell how sick a child is. Here are a few guidelines to help you make the best decision for the health and safety of your child and those around them.

Stay home and consider contacting your healthcare provider if your child is experiencing any of the following:

  • FEVER of 100.4 degrees F or higher.
  • FLU (fever, headache, body aches, exhaustion) 
  • VOMITING within the past 24 hours.
  • DIARRHEA within the past 24 hours.
  • SORE THROAT with difficulty swallowing and/or white spots in back of throat.
  • UNIDENTIFIED RASH or spreading rash.
  • EYE DISCHARGE or bacterial pink eye.
  • FATIGUE or too tired or sick to participate in daily activities.
  • PERSISTENT COUGH or difficulty breathing
  • RUNNY COLORFUL DISCHARGE from the nose or ears.
  • MOUTH OR SKIN SORES that are weeping fluid.
  • EAR PAIN with a fever, or drainage from ear.
  • ASTHMA or asthma-like symptoms. 
  • BLOOD in urine or stool. 
  • UNTREATED SCABIES, RINGWORM, OR LICE or visible nits (see below).

If your child is sent home from the program due to any of the above symptoms, that child may not return for 24 hours or without a doctor’s note, clearing the child of any illness that could be spread to others. 
Children need to be free from fever, diarrhea and vomiting for at least 24 hours (without the use of medication) before they are cleared to return to school. They need to show significant improvement in symptoms with a return
to normal activity level. 

Parents will be notified immediately upon staff recognizing any of the above symptoms. Parents are obligated to pick up the child within an hour of notification that their child is ill and needs to be removed from the program for the day. If parents cannot be notified, an emergency contact will be notified to come and pick up the child. All communicable diseases will be reported to the local health department, and notification and information will be provided to all parents so appropriate observation and action can be taken to protect other children.

Lice Policy

Head lice are an unfortunate unpleasant fact. All they need to survive is a human head. They spread easily through close contact between peoples’ heads and through sharing brushes, combs or hats. The lice like clean heads just as well as dirty heads. They do not respect age or socioeconomic status. Therefore, they have the potential to be present at any school in our district. If your student has live lice in their hair, they will be sent home to be treated before they can come back. All other students in the classroom will be sent home with a lice exposure letter.

Other Students: The lice exposure letter will be sent home with all of the other students in the affected student’s classroom. Additionally, the information sheet regarding lice will be sent home to all parents/guardians at least once a year, preferably in September.

Meals and Snacks

A wide variety of foods are served to the children daily. Central Valley participates in the National School Lunch Program. Breakfast, lunch and snack will be prepared on site and meet NSLP standards. Children are encouraged to try a portion of each food unless prohibited by an allergy or religious practice. Children are encouraged to not bring breakfast, lunch or snacks from home. Children with food allergies and/or required special diets must provide a letter from a doctor stating the allergy or outlining the special dietary requirements for the child and the symptoms/reactions which occur when the diet is not followed. The program will follow current NSLP regulations regarding Fluid Milk Substitutions.

ELC program will provide breakfast and a snack or lunch and a snack during the day at designated mealtimes. This is usually at the beginning of school. If you are bringing your child late for an excused absence, please make sure they eat before they come. 

Policy for Bringing Food from Home

Throughout our school year there will be a number of activities that will involve food, and parents will be given the opportunity to contribute if they wish to do so. Also, parents may want their children to celebrate their birthdays at school with a treat of some kind for their friends. Because this poses a health concern for children who have allergies, some of which are life threatening, the following policy has been established regarding bringing outside food into the classroom:

  • Before any food/treats can be brought into the classroom, permission must be received from the classroom Teacher. However, NO HOMEMADE FOOD ITEMS are allowed.


Listed below are some suggestions for treats for birthday celebrations:

  • Store bought cookies.
  • Little Debbie packaged products.
  • Ice Cream Cups.
  • Stickers, pencils, or small party items from the Dollar Store.

Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the child’s classroom Teacher.

Holiday and Celebration Policy

Central Valley Early Learning Center will recognize that the families we serve come from diverse backgrounds. Our service delivery in all components will include the following:

  • Reflect the cultures of enrolled children
  • Include and demonstrate respect for diverse family structures and cultures, and
  • Focus on the daily life of families in the community, rather than only on holidays, celebrations, or people far away.


Outdoor Time or Recess

Children will be playing outdoors daily unless it is raining, snowing heavily, or bitter cold. Unless children are under a doctor’s care for an illness and have a signed doctor’s request for not participating, all children will be expected to go outdoors for fresh air. Please expect your child to be outdoors every day and dress them appropriately.

Severe Winter Weather Reporting

CVSD will report school closures and delays through the School Messaging system. This system will call, email, and/or text school closures and delay information directly to parents and school staff. They will also continue to inform local media. A decision to close or delay school due to winter weather will be made prior to 6 AM. Even when school is running on time, buses may be running late as they slow down to safely travel on winter roads. Some buses may follow “snow routes” in the higher elevations of our district. Urgent information will be posted on our district’s home page as well as our own web page

NOTE: If the school district announces a delay of the start of school, preschool will also begin at the delayed time. 


Children should wear clothing that is comfortable, suitable to the weather both indoors and outdoors, and appropriate for play (often messy). For health and safety reasons, underwear, shoes, and socks are required. Please see the Students Responsibilities and Rights for more information of what is appropriate.

Toys/Personal Belongings

Please DO NOT allow your child to bring toys or other play items to the program. The program has purchased numerous suitable and appropriate supplies, equipment, and toys. School day students may bring a blanket and or a special stuffed friend to rest with during rest time or as a transition from home to school. A classroom teacher may assign a "sharing toy day" in which children can share special items, toys, and belongings with the group. At these times children may bring items to school to share at the specified time. Please label the toy with the child's name. Toys left for a week and not claimed will be put into a "community" toy box or thrown away.

NOTE: Toy Weapons of any type, action figures with weapons or connected with violence, dress-up costumes with weapons, or toys connected with violence or violent actions of any type ARE NOT permitted at any program or school site. Please refer to the Student Responsibilities and Rights for more information.